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#1 2010-05-15 01:48:08

Registered: 2010-05-11
Posts: 2

newbie guidance

A big thanks to everyone for leading the way on this!

I just received my PM3 this morning, and I've finally had a few minutes to figure things out.  Rather than recompiling (ubuntu), I'm doing my initial testing under Win7.

I've got three prox cards to test against, my current employer and two from an old hosting facility.  Here's what tune produces with each card (LF antenna):

>> Started prox, built Jul 13 2009 01:21:29
>> Connected to device

> tune
# LF antenna @  12 mA / 15576 mV [1273 ohms] 125Khz
# LF antenna @  13 mA / 16381 mV [1187 ohms] 134Khz
# HF antenna @   2 mA /   676 mV [235 ohms] 13.56Mhz

Current Employer (AWID card):
> tune
# LF antenna @   6 mA /  8728 mV [1273 ohms] 125Khz
# LF antenna @   9 mA / 11682 mV [1187 ohms] 134Khz
# HF antenna @   2 mA /   676 mV [235 ohms] 13.56Mhz

Cable & Wireless (unknown):
> tune
# LF antenna @  11 mA / 14636 mV [1273 ohms] 125Khz
# LF antenna @  10 mA / 13024 mV [1187 ohms] 134Khz
# HF antenna @   2 mA /   676 mV [235 ohms] 13.56Mhz

Exodus (Honeywell logoed):
> tune
# LF antenna @   6 mA /  7788 mV [1273 ohms] 125Khz
# LF antenna @   6 mA /  7788 mV [1187 ohms] 134Khz
# HF antenna @   3 mA /   708 mV [235 ohms] 13.56Mhz

Running hidfskdemod gets a response out of only the Cable & Wireless card.

So far I have three questions,
Since the tune output showed a 3V or more drop in the cards, am I correct in that all three are LF cards?
Any tools for AWID that are hidfskdemod and hidsimtag?
What's the recommended analysis path for the third card that isn't HID and I'm assuming isn't AWID?

Oh, I'm assuming only the one card is AWID since that's what is printed on it and not the rest smile

Thanks for any help!


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